Water Resources Major

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Water resources majors must earn a minimum of 42 credits in required core courses. Additional requirements are two semesters each of calculus, college chemistry with lab, and college physics with lab. This major prepares students for careers in hydrology, resource management, and pollution control; the course of study includes courses recommended for federal employment as a hydrologist. The major is offered to meet the growing demand for hydrologists and other water resources professionals by federal, state and local government agencies; private sector environmental and consulting firms; and industrial and educational institutions.

Admission to the Program

Any undergraduate student can declare this major.

General Education Requirements (31-40 credits)*

Major Departmental Requirements (42 credits)

Students in the water resources major pursue a Bachelor of Science degree, and must complete the corresponding degree's requirements.

Required Core Courses

  • ESC 211 Introduction to Meteorology*
  • ESC 222 Introduction to Water Resources*
  • ESC 318 Sustainable Land and Water Management
  • ESC 350 Computational Methods in the Field Sciences
  • ESC 391 Writing in the Earth Sciences
  • ESC 412 Hydrology
  • ESC 494 Senior Research*
  • ESC 495 Senior Seminar*
  • GEL 201 Introduction to Physical Geology*
  • GEL 460 Hydrogeology

Total Number of Core Credits (42 credits)

Major Corequisite Requirements (27 credits)

  • MTH 201 Calculus I*
  • MTH 202 Calculus II*
  • CHM 205 College Chemistry I*
  • CHM 206 College Chemistry II
  • ESC 251 Scientific Computing
  • PHS 235 Physics I*
  • PHS 240 Physics II

Total Number of Corequisite Credits (27 credits)

*Denotes courses that meet both major and general education requirements.

Currently, all upper division GEL/MET courses (except for ESC 311, ESC 312, ESC 313, and ESC 314) are offered once every two years in a specific rotation.

Physics, calculus, and college chemistry should be taken by the end of the sophomore year.

ESC 350 and ESC 391 should be taken in the junior year.

ESC 494 and ESC 495 should be taken in the senior year.

Electives (11-20 credits)

Total Credits (120 credits)

Additional Degree Requirements

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the program, students will be able to:

  1. Explain the manner with which variables and data, relevant for water resources, are properly collected using discipline appropriate methodology (fieldwork, instrumentation, remote sensing, or derived products from models).
  2. Properly interpret water resources data using discipline-accepted qualitative analysis.
  3. Properly interpret water resources data using discipline-accepted quantitative analysis.
  4. Define a scientific question and develop a methodology for answering it.
  5. Locate, evaluate and interpret primary source scientific literature.
  6. Effectively express water resources concepts and research results following the accepted written format for the discipline
  7. Explain water resources concepts and communicate research results following the accepted oral format for the discipline.
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